HRT 4 ALL / Site Philosophy

The guide for practicing safe DIY Hormonal Treatment
Made by teens for teens


My Explanation
Your goals?
My Answer


I made this website and fostered this community with the intent to help other transgender teens stand up for themselves when no one else would. We have all been led up to this moment because our parents, doctors and politicians failed to hear our voices and care for our anguish. It's a challenge in of itself to access prescription gender affirming care in today's political climate. Our healthcare is seen as a form of mutilation. Seen as unnecessary, seen as something that we'll live to regret and something that can be postponed until we are considered worthy of personal autonomy. The social ignorance maintained by society and doctors alike is what got us bastardized, demedicalized and politicized.

When we cannot rely on adults to take action for us, we will take matters into our own hands.
We are the consequence of society's belittlement.

Your goals?

We have various goals in mind, but our biggest goal is to always prioritize harm reduction. We believe Do It Yourself Hormone Replacement Therapy (DIY HRT) is a life saving practice that can give hope to dysphoric teenagers across the world. Transgender hormone therapy has repeatedly shown it's benefits in reducing suicidal ideation and comorbid psychiatric conditions in transgender adolescents. Improving quality of life and mortality thus reducing harm.

To maintain our goal of harm reduction we must of course keep this site, our communities and resources up for teens to access. Below I've listed our goals and intentions for HRT4ALL in prioritization order.

  1. Harm Reduction
  2. Building our social communities
  3. Spreading awareness about DIY HRT
  4. Contributing to the DIY HRT ecosystem
  5. Remedicalization of Transgender people

See Also

FTM Guide on HRT
MTF Guide on HRT
Puberty Blockers Guide

General Frequently Asked Questions

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