HRT 4 ALL / FTM Guide

The guide for practicing safe DIY Hormonal Treatment
Made by teens for teens


What is Testosterone?
Testosterone Effects
Effects Chart
Reversible changes
Irreversible changes
Tanner Stages
What are Tanner Stages
How this affects HRT
Potential Risks
Overdose Risks
Underdose Risks

How to inject Testosterone
Injection Video
Injection Supplies
Injection Risks
How to Obtain Testosterone
What to Buy
Where to Buy
Crypto Guide
How to Calculate Dosages
How to Calculate Testosterone mL
How to Calculate Life of a Vial
Recommended Dosages
Age List

Human Growth Hormone

Maximizing the Effects of HRT
Staying Lean
Caring for Yourself
HRT Expectations
High Versus Low Expectations
Group of Boy Teenagers

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Testosterone is a sex hormone that's responsible for the maintenance and development of male characteristics, playing a key part in male puberty and male sexual reproduction. Some of the typical male characteristics it's known to promote are increased muscle/bone mass, deeper voice, body hair, facial hair and broader upper torso. This is called Virilization which is also better known as Masculinization. Though testosterone production occurs in both men and women alike, playing significant roles in our biology and health. Men just typically have more testosterone while women have less.

When someone has male ranges of Testosterone, they'll develop the male dimorphic features listed above. Beginning to look and sound like the other men they see within their family. You see the occurrence of this starting in a boy's puberty, he'll get taller and stronger.

When you do hormone replacement therapy with Testosterone you can expect to develop these bodily effects below. A rough timelapse where you can expect these changes is provided, but of course this very much varies upon age and dosage. Please note that Testosterone's effectiveness is increased if you take it before or during your female puberty. After your female puberty is done, most of the bone-changing altercations will not occur. Height increase, bigger hands, Masculinization of the skull and bigger ribcage for example will not happen if you have finished female puberty (Tanner 5) and your bones have fused.

General Effects

FTM Testosterone Effects

Effects with * are irreversible.

  • Rougher Skin
  • More oily skin
  • Clitoris growth *
  • Changed body oder
  • Vaginal Atrophy
  • Facial hair growth *
  • Cessation of menses/periods
  • More masculine hairline *
  • Masculine fat redistribution
  • Increased Sex Drive
  • Increased body hair growth *
  • Increased body musculature
  • Increased red blood cells
  • Decreased fatty breast tissue
  • Deepening of the voice *

Included effects if you didn't finish female puberty

  • Longer face *
  • Height Increase *
  • Broader Rib Cage *
  • Broader Shoulders *
  • Angular Appearance *
  • Limb Size Increase *

This section may make you dysphoric and it may make you uncomfortable, but please read so you can understand the depth of the changes that will or have occurred in due time if HRT or puberty blockers are not taken.

I made this section of the guide because I noticed most young adolescents are not fully aware of how their puberty will change their bodies. Many of them holding unreliable expectations, high and low. Many even having misconceptions about when it'll end and start. Which is why I'll be providing information on how you can expect your body to develop and change when you are going through your natal puberty. I'll also be teaching you something called the Tanner Stages.

Note: This is not a comprehensive article on all the sexually dimorphic changes your body may go through. Nor should every typical age or change be taken as absolute. Some changes may happen earlier, later or may not occur at all. However, treat your puberty seriously and with caution.

Tanner Stages

The Tanner Scale is a metric used to define pubertal development in humans. There are five tanner stages, each tanner stage represents how close or far away an individual is from completing their puberty. Doctors look at features like height, genitalia, body hair and age to determine a person's tanner stage. The older you are, the more likely it is you've completed your puberty.

Here is a graph of female tanner stage progression and a chart of bodily changes.
You can use this to see what your tanner stage may be.

Warning, this may trigger Dysphoria

Note: Puberty usually starts about one year earlier for those of African Descent or Latin American Descent compared to those whom are not.

Tanner One

If an individual is Tanner One, that means they haven't started puberty yet. There aren't any puberty-related physical changes. Everyone starts out with this stage and gradually their body changes into what's called Tanner Two.

Tanner Two

If an individual is Tanner Two, that means they just began puberty. In those born female, you'll typically see signs such as breast budding, some pubic hair and an arising growth spurt. The ages where this typically begins are 9 through 11 years old.

Tanner Three

If an individual is Tanner Three, that means they're midway through their puberty. In those born female, you'll see further development of the breasts, darkening of the pubic hair and female fat redistribution occurring. This is the peak of the female's growth spurt. The ages where this typically begins are 12 through 13 years old.

Tanner Four

If an individual is Tanner Four, that means they're almost done with their puberty. In those born female, you'll of course see changes and further development in the breasts, body hair, pelvis, fat redistribution and overall physique. The growth velocity is starting to taper off to meet an adult height. The ages where this typically begins are 13 through 15 years old.

Tanner Five

If an individual is Tanner Five, that means they're completely done with their puberty and now have the anatomy of an adult. They will no longer grow and their body is fully developed. This typically occurs at around 15 years old for females.

How this Affects HRT

Simply put, the longer you wait to take HRT or puberty blockers the less potential you'll have to pass and look more like the opposite gender.

This is because as we grow, our growth plates fuse prohibiting bone changes and bone growth. This affects our general skeleton, making it impossible for changes to our bones to occur. Another reason is because certain proportions of the body become sexually dimorphic. Sexual dimorphism is the term used to describe people looking differently according to their sex. An example would be a woman having pronounced breasts or a man having small hips.

This is why I made a section about tanner stages, so you can be aware how much potential you have for testosterone to change your anatomy.

If you're questioning if you should do HRT, your first concern may be if it's dangerous. Short answer, no.

It's a widely used treatment and within testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), men have found several beneficial effects because of how it can positively increase bone density, strength and energy level. So it's not dangerous but as with all medical procedures, there are risks. Though the chances of adverse effects actually occurring is extremely low. Especially if you manage your dosage wisely, go here for recommended dosages.

Once again, note the chances of adverse effects actually occurring is extremely low. I am merely stating these risks so you are informed about what testosterone has been shown to promote. This does not mean HRT is unsafe, this means HRT has risks albeit minimal.

Major Risks observable with patients taking Testosterone

  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Fluid Retention

Major risks are observable amongst every person with male testosterone levels

Minor Risks observable with patients taking Testosterone

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Erythrocytosis
  • Acne

Minor risks are generally non-issues and shouldn't be worried about
Minor risks are observable amongst every person with male testosterone levels

Overdose Risks

If you take too much testosterone, you may have chest pain, mood swings and/or unexplained weight gain. There are several other complications involved in the long-term usage of testosterone. If you experience any of these complications, you can attempt lowering your dosage.

Testosterone usage requires more care than estrogen usage so please please join the matrix server or message me on Signal for guidance. DIY safely!

Underdose Risks

Regardless of tanner stage or age. If you take too little testosterone, you will not receive full masculinization effects and will continue going through female puberty. To prevent this from occurring, use the recommended dosages.

This is a video from Dr. Meir Daller, here his assisting nurse is demonstrating how to do a thigh injection at home. If you happen to hit any veins or notice blood leaking out, just know it's perfectly fine. Simply apply pressure onto the injection site if this occurs.

Side Note from Author

When I first did my injection, I was nervous and afraid I'd do something wrong. I didn't put the entire needle in and some of the testosterone oil leaked out. After the more injections I did and as I gradually developed a routine, it all became something of great quick ease. I can now do my injections in less than 5 minutes without feeling pain.

So if you mess up the first one, it's fine. It's the fact that you're trying and the fact that you took such a large jump to get yourself the medical care you need. You'll improve and know that everything has been worth it once you notice yourself masculinizing.

Injection Supplies

Injection supplies are listed here in this guide. Please read the Injection Risks below and stick with buying the needles/syringes from the guide on this site.

Injection Risks

I'm using Trans Harm Reduction's guides and resources to relay the risks to wrongfully doing injections. There are a few risks to doing injections, although they are nothing to be worried about if you learn how to avoid them.

Vial Contamination/Coring

Vial Coring is a form of Vial Contamination that occurs when the rubber seal on a vial is broken or damaged. The rubber seal's purpose is to stop contaminants from entering the oil. Coring can cause rubber from the seal to break off into the oil, posing a major safety risk.

To avoid instances of this occuring, please use sharp and smaller needles. As it's been shown, blunt and bigger needles break rubber easier. For your convenience, I listed approved needles for injecting here in a guide.

How to Store Vials

When it comes to storing vials, it's recommended to keep it in standard room temperature. Your testosterone vials can last 3 years by doing this. If you refigerate or store it in cold temperatures it may go through a process called Crystalization. If your testosterone has crystalized, it will likely be opaque or cloudy and contain small, needle-shaped crystals. This can cause pain when you inject, so like I said before, store it in room temperature.

Note: If you notice your testosterone has crystalized just put the vial in a plastic bag, then set it in a bowl of water. Heat the water to about 90-100° degrees and you should notice the oil clearing up inside. Do not let it be too hot and do not use the microwave.

What to Buy



Please only buy Testosterone with formulations of Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate. Make sure to only buy vials, no ampule containers. I recommend avoiding ampules because they're small glass vials that you break off with your hands, they're very inconvenient and messy to use. Not to mention, they're meant for one time usage. So you'd have to discard them each time you break them open and do an injection. You'd be wasting a lot of testosterone oil this way.

This is very important, if you accidentally buy anything else please join the Matrix server or message me on Signal. I also wrote other useful articles that may be of use to you here.

Where to Buy

I organized a list of testosterone sources by location, with included payment methods. Some sources may not ship to your country, specifically scandinavian countries so check before trying to purchase. You can verify or find new sources by using Eroids source forums. If no reviews are or bad reviews show up, be wise and don't buy.

If you're using a source I did not recommend, you can message me to check it's legitimacy.

Note: Buying HRT from sources based in your country will provide faster delivery and get rid of the risk of customs seizing your package. It may cost more than buying from international sources though.


TeamRoids | Bitcoin, Zelle and MoneyGram
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/mL
Steroidify | Bitcoin, Wired Transfer, Credit/Debit Card, Moneygram
Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/mL
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
OSGear | Bitcoin
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/mL


OSGear | Bitcoin
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/mL
Steroidify | Bitcoin, Wired Transfer, Credit/Debit Card, Moneygram
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/mL
(UK ONLY) Steroid UKSHOP | Bitcoin, Bank Transfer
Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/mL


Steroidify | Bitcoin, Wired Transfer, Credit/Debit Card, Moneygram
Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/mL
OSGear | Bitcoin
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/mL


Steroidify | Bitcoin, Wired Transfer, Credit/Debit Card, Moneygram
Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/mL
OSGear | Bitcoin
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/mL


Steroidify | Bitcoin, Wired Transfer, Credit/Debit Card, Moneygram
Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/mL
TeamRoids | Bitcoin, Zelle and MoneyGram
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/mL
OSGear | Bitcoin
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/mL
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/mL

Cryptocurrency Guide

The guide on how to purchase Bitcoin/Crypto is rather long, so I decided to make a separate page here.

When you obtain an Testosterone vial, you will notice some text like "250mg/mL" or some text like "2500mg/10mL"
This shows the amount of Testosterone (mg) within the total amount of oil (mL).

So if you have a Testosterone vial that says "250mg/mL" that means for every milliliter (mL) there is 250 milligrams (mg) of Testosterone. Vials tend to have 10mL of liquid. So if you multiply 250mg by 10, in reality the total concentration is 2500mg/10mL in the entire vial.

How to Calculate Testosterone mL

[Dosage] / [Testosterone per mL] = [Syringe Millimeters]
[50mg] / [250mg] = [0.2mL]
If you wanted to dose 50mg and you had a 250mg/mL vial of Testosterone. You would divide 50mg by 250mg, then you'd get 0.2mL as the amount of liquid you should draw up in your syringe to get 50mg.

[Dosage] / [Testosterone per mL] = [Syringe Millimeters]
[75mg] / [200mg] = [0.375mL]
Another example, if you wanted to dose 75mg and you had a 300mg/mL vial of Testosterone. You would divide 75mg by 300mg, then you'd get 0.375mL as the amount of liquid you should draw up in your syringe to get 75mg.

How to Calculate Life of a Vial

To figure out how long a vial will last you, first you want to figure out syringe & needle deadspace.

Deadspace is a term used to refer to the leftover fluid retention stuck between the syringe and needle. This affects how long a vial will last because it takes extra fluid from the vial in each injection. Typically you can estimate how much deadspace there is by looking at the syringe and needle. Deadspace is usually represented in measurements of microliters (uL), 1uL is 0.001mL.
Here's an illustration of deadspace.

[Total mL] [Dosage / Testosterone per mL] + [Total Deadspace] = [Injections per Vial]
[10mL] [50mg / 250mg] + [92uL] = [32 Injections per Vial]
If you were taking dosages of 50mg weekly, with a vial of 250mg/1mL, total mL is 10ml and syringes with a deadspace of 92uL, This is how you would fill out the formula. Remember to convert the microliters to milliliters, by simply multiplying the uL by 0.001. This vial would last you about 32 injections, which would be 224 days if you were injecting weekly.

[Total mL] [Dosage / Testosterone per mL] + [Total Deadspace] = [Injections per Vial]
[10mL] [75mg / 200mg] + [59uL] = [23 Injections per Vial]
If you were taking dosages of 75mg weekly, with a vial of 200mg/1mL, total mL is 10ml and syringes with a deadspace of 59uL, This is how you would fill out the formula. Remember to convert the microliters to milliliters, by simply multiplying the uL by 0.001. This vial would last you about 23 injections, which would be 161 days if you were injecting weekly.

In this segment I'll be discussing testosterone dosages respective to individuals' age. If you buy any other formulations of testosterone like Testosterone Propionate or even TestoGel, please message me on Signal or join the Matrix Server so I can provide guidance.

If you want to model the dosage for yourself, try Steroid Plotter. Note that your actual levels may be different, but it provides a decent enough graph for someone to get a better understanding of their levels.

Dosage Information
I've based the following table primarily off of Johns Hopkins Dosing Guide for transgender adolescents. Before actually looking down and learning about your testosterone dosage, I want to explain the differences between shorter regimen versus longer regimen.

Just know it's fine to do either shorter or longer, the only significant difference is stability. When taking shorter regimens you'll achieve more stable levels albeit doing more frequent injections. When taking longer regimens it's the opposite, but with the pro of doing less frequent injections. I personally recommend doing the shorter regimens.

11 Years Old and Under

There is no HRT dosage recommendation for transgender males for those 11 years old and younger.

I cannot safely guarantee any form of safe HRT administration within minors of this age range. Please do not pratice DIY HRT if you are 11 years old or under.

Pro-Trans Areas

Contact your primary doctor about Puberty Blockers if you wish to stop future and present feminization and menstruation. This option is best recommended for those who live in transgender-tolerant countries or Democratic states.

Anti-Trans Areas

Contact your primary doctor about Depo-Provera if you wish to stop menstruation, this will not stop future and present feminization. This option is best recommended for those who live in anti-transgender countries or Republican states.

Please join our Matrix server to recieve HRT support, regardless if it's DIY or not.

12 Years Old

The goal for hormonal treatment in 12 year-old transgender males is to induce male puberty since this is the average age for a male to begin his puberty.

The median Serum Testosterone amount for a 12 year old male is 200 ng/dL. To achieve this testosterone level the HRT dosage recommendation for 12 year old transgender males is as follows below. Be wary to not go above 100mg monthly as per the Endocrine Soceity Adolescent TRT guidelines.

Injection Formulation Shorter Regimen Longer Regimen
Testosterone Cypionate 25mg every 14 days 40mg every 21 days
Testosterone Enanthate 25mg every 14 days 40mg every 21 days

12.5 Years Old

The goal for hormonal treatment in 12 year-old and a half transgender males is to now maintain male puberty, since this is the average age for a male to begin maintaining more stable testosterone levels in his puberty.

Be wary to not go above 100mg monthly as per the Endocrine Soceity Adolescent TRT guidelines.

Injection Formulation Shorter Regimen Longer Regimen
Testosterone Cypionate 25mg every 7 days 35mg every 10 days
Testosterone Enanthate 25mg every 7 days 35mg every 10 days

13 Years Old

The median Serum Testosterone amount for a 13 year old male is 250 ng/dL. Due to this amount the Testosterone dosage recommendation for 13 year old transgender males is as follows below.

Be wary to not go above 150mg monthly as per the Endocrine Soceity Adolescent TRT guidelines.

Injection Formulation Shorter Regimen Longer Regimen
Testosterone Cypionate 40mg every 7 days 50mg every 10 days
Testosterone Enanthate 40mg every 7 days 50mg every 10 days

14 Years Old

The median Serum Testosterone amount for a 14 year old male is 310 ng/dL. Due to this amount the HRT dosage recommendation for 14 year old transgender males is as follows below.

Be wary to not go above 200mg monthly as per the Endocrine Soceity Adolescent TRT guidelines.

Injection Formulation Shorter Regimen Longer Regimen
Testosterone Cypionate 50mg every 7 days 70mg every 10 days
Testosterone Enanthate 50mg every 7 days 70mg every 10 days

15 Years Old

The median Serum Testosterone amount for a 15 year old male is 370 ng/dL. Due to this amount the HRT dosage recommendation for 15 year old transgender males is as follows below.

Be wary to not go above 300mg monthly as per the Endocrine Soceity Adolescent TRT guidelines.

Injection Formulation Shorter Regimen Longer Regimen
Testosterone Cypionate 75mg every 7 days 100mg every 10 days
Testosterone Enanthate 75mg every 7 days 100mg every 10 days

16 Years Old

You are approaching the completion of male puberty, testosterone levels are close to their peak. The median Serum Testosterone amount for a 16 year old male is 430 ng/dL. Due to this amount the HRT dosage recommendation for 16 year old transgender males is as follows below.

Be wary to not go above 400mg monthly as per the Endocrine Soceity Adolescent TRT guidelines.

Injection Formulation Shorter Regimen Longer Regimen
Testosterone Cypionate 85mg every 7 days 115mg every 10 days
Testosterone Enanthate 85mg every 7 days 115mg every 10 days

17 Years Old and Above

This is around the age males complete their puberty and approach sexual maturity, testosterone levels have now reached your lifetime peak. The median Serum Testosterone amount for male 17 year olds and above is 460-490 ng/dL. Due to this amount the HRT dosage recommendation for 17+ year old transgender males is as follows below.

Be wary to not go above 400mg monthly as per the Endocrine Soceity Adolescent TRT guidelines.

Injection Formulation Shorter Regimen Longer Regimen
Testosterone Cypionate 100mg every 7 days 135mg every 10 days
Testosterone Enanthate 100mg every 7 days 135mg every 10 days

Currently working on this guide... Please come back in a week.

Currently working on this guide... Please come back in a week.

Currently working on this guide... Please come back in a week.

Currently working on this guide... Please come back in a week.

See Also

FTM Passing Guide
FTM Frequently Asked Questions
General Frequently Asked Questions

Buying Cryptocurrency
Buying Syringes and Supplies
How to hide HRT and Supplies from family

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