The guide for practicing safe DIY Hormonal Treatment Made by teens for teens
General Questions
This article covers the general Frequently Asked Questions about
do-it-yourself hormone replacement therapy (DIY HRT).
The primary focus is to answer questions asked generally by all of those doing some sort of DIY, regardless of gender.
If your question was not covered here, please check the following FAQ pages.
The best answer I could give you is to simply research the things I say.
You should never believe anyone without some sort of credence or proof, this site is no exception.
Usually I provide links throughout my articles so you can research or read a bit up on a topic.
If you want to be provided reasoning or evidence on a specific topic/subject, you're welcome to
contact me.
I am Toper, also known by various other names online such as Xeon.
I am the author and creator of this website, HRT4ALL.
I enjoy playing video games, tweaking my Linux setup and 3D modeling.
Currently getting back into VR as a gaming hobby.
I started DIYing my HRT when I was 14 years of age.
I received a Gender Dysphoria diagnosis at 11 in the state of California,
the most progressive state in the USA.
Along with an extensive recorded history of dysphoria, dating as early as 6 years old.
Despite this, my doctors refused to refer me to a gender affirmation clinic to receive care,
stating I could "just wait till I'm 18."
During this time gap, I waited and fully completed my female puberty.
As a result, I've obtained several co-morbid psychiatric disorders due to my dysphoria not being treated.
Throughout this period, I started getting deeper into online trans communities.
Where I witnessed several successful and failed suicide attempts.
Some being friends, some being strangers.
However, the common trait being that they were trans people like me, failed by our medical system.
This was the final straw, as you may have guessed this is where it has led me.
I am now committed to helping and providing support for trans teens like myself to DIY.
Using my experience and understanding of endocrinology to offer an alternative rather than succumbing to the global transgender medical injustice.